You're probably here because things aren't going well right now, they haven't in the past, or you're worried about the future, maybe all three. I understand - we all have difficulties to overcome at points in our lives. In fact, I believe that these times when we struggle can be our greatest opportunities for personal growth and enrichment. I know it can be daunting, overwhelming even, but I assure you that I am here to support you, and offer you the security and space, so you can explore your inner world safely, and at the right pace for you.

I'm drawn to understanding you as an individual, what you experience, think and feel, and how you relate to the world around you and your own personal history. With curiosity and compassion, I will guide you to understand how and why you feel and interact as you do. By getting to know and understand yourself in this way, you will gain clarity and courage to move forward and make decisions from an informed position. By choosing to seek out therapy, you have already taken a big step, I will be here with you on the journey.

I am an Integrative Counsellor, mainly focussed on Internal Family Systems therapy and Brainspotting, which is a mindfully focussed processing technique. Through a tailored approach - different for each individual - we will work through your concerns towards your desired goals. I believe that you have within you the ability to connect with your core sense of compassion, courage and calm curiosity that will allow you to discover who and how you truly are, and go on to serve you throughout your life.

I currently work from my practice in Ilfracombe and online internationally via Zoom, which is a free and easy to use app that I can help you set up. I offer short and long-term therapy with sessions typically being 1 hour long at a time to suit you. For online sessions you just need a quiet place where you won't be interrupted or feel overheard and a good WiFi or 4/5G connection.

Counselling can offer support through a difficult time, a deeper understanding of yourself and others, increased self-confidence, and a more positive outlook. As a guide, amongst other things, counselling can help with the following:
Anxiety, panic attacks, anger management, bullying, depression, domestic violence, eating disorders, family issues, grief, illness, low self-esteem, sexual abuse, stress, suicidal thoughts, relationship issues, trauma.

I will keep your well-being and needs at the very forefront of the work, always aiming to empower you to find your own solutions - please contact me for more information.